I'm using a Raspberry Pi with the SIM7600E 4G hat to set up a point-to-point protocol connection, using pppd. This all sets up correctly all works, however when I use it to browse the internet, the modules wwan interface device (wwan0) comes in and interrupts the connection.

I run ifconfig wwan0 down which stops the interface, however it just starts back up again automatically when I start browsing and the issue continues.

I've tried blacklisting the kernal drivers that interact with the device via /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf – Disabling the option module stopped wwan0 from appearing, however it also disabled interaction with the usb device completely, so the /dev/ttyUSBx ports no longer appeared. I still want to be able to send AT commands to /dev/ttyUSB3 the while the PPP connection is on at /dev/ttyAMA0.

So my task is simple - I just need to override the starting of the wwan0 interface, but from all the things I've tried from my googling nothing has worked. Any ideas?


1 Answer 1


In the file /etc/network/interfaces you can specify that NetworkManager shouldn't control the wwan0 interface.

To do so, add this line:

iface wwan0 inet manual
  • unfortunately this won't work for me @harrymc the /etc/network/interfaces file originally contained one line, source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d, so I even tried removing that line too, and rebooting, but all to no avail. Whenever I go into chromium, as soon as I send any GET request, the interface starts up again straight away. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to happen when I ping from the terminal. Is there anything else that could be starting up wwan0? Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 10:41
  • We're both out of date. You are probably using networkd instead of NetworkManager. NetPlan is to be used for setting this. See for example this article.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 11:30
  • the /etc/netplan directory doesn't exist on my machine, is it supposed to? should I install it? I'm running Raspian 10 Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 11:52
  • Raspian has its own. See this article. Perhaps your interfaces is replaced by /etc/dhcpcd.conf. Too many distributions.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 12:30
  • ha, got it, by adding the line denyinterfaces wwan0 to /etc/dhcpcd. Is that what you meant to do? Or was I supposed to set up a static IP address like the article? Excuse my ignorance. I'm pretty new to network stuff @harrymc Commented Jul 21, 2020 at 12:46

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