I installed PSensor in order to monitor and adjust the CPU fan speed on my ThinkPad R60 (which was overheating) and was surprised to find a total of 14 different temperature readings:


It seems there is one thermal sensor for each of the two CPU cores ("Core 0/1") and one inside the hard drive ("SAMSUNG"). What are the other ones?

I thought there might be some duplicates, but looking at the time series they appear to be individual sensors. Does anyone have a source or documentation detailing their functions? Or could PSensor be failing to read out their designations?

Interestingly, while the other sensors seem to be close to heat sources, "temp5/6" appear to just measure ambient temperature.

The laptop is in use, so tearing it apart, searching and probing for thermistors is not an option.

1 Answer 1


The sensors are soldered wherever the designers of the pcb decides to put them. This is for a different motherboard but you can get a good idea of how they are placed:


I'm certain with enough time and research you could find out where all the individual sensors are for your system.

  • Interesting link, although it doesn't specifically answer the question (it seems some sensors indeed just measure ambient temperature). I know that they are usually mounted on the PCBs (mainboard, hard drive etc.). Some information on which sensor is responsible for which component would be helpful, PSensor just names all of them "temp".
    – david
    Commented Jul 11, 2020 at 2:55
  • Edited the question to make it clearer
    – david
    Commented Jul 11, 2020 at 13:55

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