This is latest, happened two days back on 07-07-2020. I have been using windows for year and I have installed and uninstalled a lot of software in between. My disk space in C:\ drive is 250 GB and it had 43GB of disk space. I have empty = temp folder, restore points, disk space, system files and windows_old_upadate_backup.

After clearing the files, I could only gain 7GBs which was in total 50GB but recently I updated "windows with latest feature" and after update I gained ******* about 35GB space in C:\ drive. What the hell was taking 35Gb space in my windows.

Not just that everyday my storage space is getting reduced. It was about 73GB yesterday today is 68GB I cleared all the setting and temps but I could only gain 1GB of space.

I don't know what is going on. How can I stop this ?

Any solution ?

  • As I mentioned, I didn't clean up the system AFTER the feature update. It did by itself.
    – Greyfrog
    Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 18:53
  • There are various tools for checking used disk space. These won't tell you specifically what used you space, but they can point out things using a lot of space and that information could help you identify the culprit. Otherwise, we cannot tell you what used up space on your drive. Commented Jul 11, 2020 at 2:04
  • superuser.com/questions/57414/… personally I like WizTree Commented Jul 11, 2020 at 2:06


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