I have these two tags:

<p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: Do you love me?</p>

and this one:

<p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: </p>

So, I have more then 2000 html files. And I want to find and select only the second example, the html tag that contains this word "Leadership:", and that has nothing left after it.

can anyone help me?

I try this, but is not to good: <p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: \S*\s*</p>

  • What tools have you tried? What would you like to do with files that contain this tag?
    – harrymc
    Commented Jul 7, 2020 at 15:40
  • I want to find missing/incomplete lines :)
    – Just Me
    Commented Jul 7, 2020 at 15:43
  • I try this <p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership: \S*\s*</p> but must be a little bip update
    – Just Me
    Commented Jul 7, 2020 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


Assuming that all the files are inside one folder, use the notepad++ menu of Search > Find in files... and search for this regex pattern:

<p class="text_obisnuit2">Leadership:\s*</p>

Ensure that you have set "Search Mode" to "Regular expression" and "Directory" to your folder.

Click "Find All" to search.


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