I'm using CentOS with Postfix, Dovecot, Webmin/Virtualmin. I can't seem to receive emails for all addresses for one of our virtual servers configured via Webmin/Virtualmin. But I can send out (and it was received).

I tested sending using 3 Gmail addresses as senders and also a private email. No bounced email or errors whatsoever. I tried checking using POP3 and Usermin webmail and both do not receive the emails.

I also checked var/log/maillog and there's no error correlating to this issue. I also restarted Postfix, Dovecot.

Both SPF and SKIM passed as tested.

I also troubleshooted the following and it was fine (not real IP or domain).

[root@server ~]# host -t mx mysite.com
mysite.com mail is handled by 5 mail.mysite.com.
[root@server ~]# host mail.mysite.com
mail.mysite.com has address
[root@server ~]# host domain name pointer server.mysite.com.

UPDATE: I just realized that I could receive the emails to my server from Gmail website, NOT from POP3 Gmail (from my Outlook).

  • Does the Postfix log have any mentions of your incoming mail at all? (At the very minimum, an incoming SMTP connection from Gmail systems?) Have you checked with your SMTP server's hosting company? Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 8:59
  • (Also, for the record, the IP address would have its rDNS at, not at Please don't go overboard when faking command output.) Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 9:01
  • @user1686 Funny thing is no. No mention. I'm hosting my own EC2 server at AWS. I'm sending the email from Gmail. So SMTP is Gmail.
    – cilapo1541
    Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 9:19
  • By "your SMTP server" I mean the one that you're running Postfix on. (Gmail acts as SMTP client when delivering.) If it's AWS, have you checked security groups? Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 9:22
  • @user1686 I just realized that I could receive the emails to my server from Gmail website, NOT from POP3 Gmail (from my Outlook).
    – cilapo1541
    Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 11:30


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