I have a bluetooth speaker connected to my Windows 10 laptop. I play music using Groove Music which comes out of the bluetooth speaker. Other sounds such as zoom chat, or facebook notifications will come through the speaker audio.

I have not changed any settings. Is it possible to decide what apps output to what speaker?


1 Answer 1


Yes, Zoom can change the audio output in it's settings:

To access settings in the Zoom client:

  1. Sign in to Zoom.
  2. Click your profile picture then click Settings.
    enter image description here
    This will open the settings window, giving you access to the following options: enter image description here



Set your microphone and speaker, test them, adjust their volume, and change other settings.

  • Speaker: Click Test Speaker to play a test tone. Click the drop-down menu to select the speaker you want Zoom to use.
  • Microphone: Click Test Mic to record audio and play it back. Click the drop-down to select the mic you want Zoom to use.

Look in the Facebook Messenger app for similar settings.

Alternatively for programs that simply use the "system default" sound output you can change the output by clicking the sound icon, clicking the name of the speaker device:

enter image description here

And then selecting the device you want sound to come out of:

enter image description here

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