I have 2 SSDs that have the Disk Optimization not available error.

Tried everything with defrag commands and SATA/motherboard drivers. Nothing worked.

I wanted to share how I fixed this.

  • Windows 10 like written in the title.
    – djibe
    Commented May 5, 2020 at 9:21

3 Answers 3


Launch Windows command prompt as administrator and enter the command :

winsat formal

Now launch a Powershell command prompt as Aministrator

Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter c -ReTrim -Verbose

Confirm with Enter and wait during operations. Disk optimization is now available with Windows 10 dfrgui.exe

  • For me, "Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter d -ReTrim -Verbose" produced "No MSFT_Volume objects found with property 'DriveLetter' equal to 'd'." It worked with c but not with d. In dfrgui, their current statuses are OK for C and Optimizing not available for D. Commented Jan 9 at 20:38

I ran dfrgui to open the Optimize Drives dialog. That displayed drives C and W as SSDs with an OK status, and HDDs D and H as "Unknown" media type (presumably because they were VeraCrypt encrypted, but currently mounted) with Last Analyzed dates of "Never run" and Current status of "Optimization not available."

Then I ran defrag h: /a to analyze drive H. While that was running, I noticed that the Optimize Drives dialog displayed a progress percentage for drive H. When it finished, it reverted to "Optimization not available." But now it had a Last Analyzed date showing the current date and time. And in the CMD window where I ran defrag, it said, "You do not need to defragment this volume."

Possibly this explains the OP's finding that running defrag did not change the "Optimization not available" status in the dfrgui dialog. In my observation, defrag did change that status, but only momentarily.

It was odd that defrag found no need for defragmentation. Until I interrupted the process, the dfrgui dialog was reporting slow progress on a defragmentation effort that had been churning away for hours. Possibly that was consolidation, not defragmentation. When I ran defrag h: /x, the drive resumed a long consolidation process, again visible temporarily in the dfrgui dialog.


Tried just about all the suggested fixes with no success. Finally, Went into device manager, Removed the hard disk driver, Restarted, Voila, All good immediately. Eugene C (aviator_888)

  • I ran Win-R > devmgmt.msc > Disk drives > right-click on the external dock containing drive H > Uninstall device. Then right-click on Disk Drives > Scan for hardware changes. That brought it back. But it did not change the status of drive H when I restarted dfrgui.exe: it still showed as Optimization not available. Commented Jan 9 at 20:43

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