Recently I got a desktop with a hard disk Toshiba 500GB which has windows 7 installed on it.

When turning on the computer, windows logo appears and it does not go beyond that. After about 30 minutes the machine shuts down automatically.

What I tried

Then tried to install windows 8.1 with a bootable usb and just proceeded with the installation. The "install now" window appears, clicked "install now", then only I can see is "the setup is loading" and nothing more.

Kept waiting for about 30 minutes to see if it going be working at some point. But it was not. Tried many times but had same results.

Then I tried to go to "repair windows" option in the setup but it was also kept loading but nothing happened.

Strange behavior

I put that hard disk into another desktop - which works fine, and on BIOS set the boot order to the original hard disk it had. But to my surprise, the computer boots with the windows 7 hard disk. Checked once again the boot order but it was as I had set it before. But the machine boots with windows 7 hard disk. And even in that, windows 7 does not go beyond windows logo, just as in the first desktop.

After, I removed it and boot with the usual drive, then desktop loaded, I plugged the hard disk (faulty one) and went to disk management, clicked "Rescan disks". The disk management window was not responding and task manager showed the hard disk (faulty one) 100% active time but little or no read or writing activity.

Then connected the hard disk back to the its own desktop and I tried with a bootable pen drive with ubuntu 18 LTS and used it in live mode. After about 30 minutes, ubuntu loaded and in disks, showed the hard disk partitions and it showed there was "890 bad sectors" on it.

I don't know whether that much bad sectors is to be worried about.

When I try to access the hard disk, I could not able to mount it. Even I could not format it.

I want to take data on that disk if it is not usable.

I'm looking forward to your answers t solve this issue and also possible reasons for that strange behavior.

  • The HDD has physical damage to the platters and would be recommended to be replaced. If you have data on it you'd like to retrieve, connect it to another PC running Windows and run chkdsk /f /b /x <driveletter>: prior to copying any data off of it, but the HDD should not be used beyond that, else you risk repeated data corruption.
    – JW0914
    Commented May 2, 2020 at 11:31
  • I suggest you get a carrier for the hard drive (Amazon), put the hard drive in the carrier, attach it to a working PC, and then see what data you can get from it. Will the computer above run Windows 10? It is past time to be trying to run Windows 8.
    – anon
    Commented May 2, 2020 at 11:33
  • @JW0914 I can't connect and run chkdsk because my machine gets stucked once I connected it. Commented May 2, 2020 at 11:44
  • 1
    @infinitecode I did in my first comment - HDD has physical damage to the platters - so when Windows tries to access the disk, it's having issues doing so due to the physical damage, which in turn results with the OS hanging and any OS install to the disk to either fail outright or hang during install.
    – JW0914
    Commented May 2, 2020 at 12:08
  • 1
    Replace the drive and be done with it.
    – Moab
    Commented May 2, 2020 at 16:01


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