Other than the pre-bundled-with-my-default-OS install (eg: /usr/bin/ruby on macOS 10.14), I want to completely wipe my OS clean of Ruby before I reinstall Ruby to a "known state." Specifically, I want to better complete steps 1 and 2 from this procedure that I wrote.

How do I go about figuring this out?

Example Ruby artifacts I've found thus far (in this example, for macOS 10.14.6):

  1. Any Ruby-related package (eg: ruby ruby-build rbenv) installed by Homebrew.
  2. Files/dirs from the version managers: ~/.rbenv/ ~/.rvm/. (Alas, when you do not know how many version managers you might have employed in the past, simply because some random Ruby-application-install procedure suggested you install one and you did not know what you were doing--because again, I'm quite ignorant about the whole Ruby system because I'm just a user and not an expert/developer--and now I've got different-version-manager cruft laying around all over the place. This makes for a rather-difficult predicament when you can't get Asciidoctor, a Ruby-based app, to run well enough to get your job done.)
  3. Other, misc (?) files: ~/.gem ~/.ruby-version and maybe other things I've not yet found?
  4. Other things I've not yet discovered (?).

My OS image is many years (decades?) old (it's been upgraded through many macOS 10.x upgrades, and the base image has been cloned through many MacBook hardware upgrades) and has acquired a lot of Ruby cruft over that time. Ruby things are (or at least were) broken, and I want to start fresh.

I want to better understand where all these things potential live: files, installed-software packages and any other artifacts related to the engines/platforms/interpreters and $HOME files and directories that are typically part of Ruby (and Ruby version_manager-based) installations.

My system runs macOS 10.14.6 and I'm a Homebrew user. As such, I minimally seek macOS-specific answers. I'm also curious in info that might also apply to Linux, since my team and I also run many Ubuntu and other Linux installations.

  • How do you define Ruby files, packages, and other artifacts? Dollar coins (easily sterilizable) to doughnuts and hold the stakes in my mouth, it will come down to a Bug Hunt for type A objects + type B objects + type C objects.... ad nauseam.
    – K7AAY
    Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 23:15
  • 2
    Good question. As what's noted above: steps 1 and 2 from this procedure provide much (most?) of the context. In general: I wish I knew what all to look for, but since I'm not a Ruby wizard (and no one will tell me here) I'm "fumbling in the dark without a flashlight." I'll update the question with some examples. Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 23:36
  • @K7AAY - artifact examples provided in a question edit I just submitted. Does this provide what you need when you ask "How do you define Ruby files, packages, and other artifacts?" Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 23:48
  • 1
    Good suggestion. Been there. ServerFault.com and StackOverlow.com, too. I also just posted a pointer to here from reddit.com. Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 23:58


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