I am using Windows's ClickLock feature for touchpads. It lets me create the effect of holding down the left mouse button and dragging the pointer for long distances, either for selecting a lot of things or moving a window a great distance. If there is not enough space to move my finger on the touchpad, I can lift my finger from the touchpad without creating the effect of letting go of the mouse button. I can then place my finger down elsewhere on the touchpad and resume the move.

This is especially important when I avoid the use of the left button by double-tapping the touchpad to emulate a left button click. The equivalent to click-and-hold is the double-tap and hold (keep finger on the touchpad). If ClickLock is enabled, I only have to double-tap and hold for a fraction of a second before windows considers the the left mouse button to be locked down. I can then use the touchpad to move the pointer as much as I like, with multiple swipes if needed. To release the mouse button, I just need to tap.

As far as I can see, this feature is only useful when tapping the touchpad to emulate a left button click. Oddly enough, and thankfully, it only works when tapping the touchpad to emulate a left button click, even though there is nothing in the Mouse Properties panel to indicate that this is the only circumstance in which the feature works.

The only additional behaviour needed to perfect this feature is a visual indication of when you've held the left button down long enough for Windows to consider the left button to be locked down. As soon as you see the indication, you can then proceed with moving the pointer. As mentioned above, this essentially means a visual indication of when you've "holded" enough in the double-tap-and-hold on the touchpad.

Does Windows have a setting for a visual cue of when you've tapped-and-holded the touchpad long enough for ClickLock to activate?

While I am on Windows 10, I'm really not sure if the question and/or answer is specific to Windows 10.

  • Does your touchpad Click Lock show a different mouse cursor? Common mice do this and then a long way down you can still see that Click Lock is active.
    – anon
    Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 14:24
  • No, it doesn't. It's what I'm trying to achieve. Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 16:51
  • I looked through all my Lenovo TouchPad Synaptics setup and there is nothing that gives me my LogiTech mouse middle click, which is why I use my (real) Mouse
    – anon
    Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 18:50
  • 1
    It's not a Synaptics feature, it's a general Windows feature. Unfortunately, my new overpriced and mediocre laptop has no Synaptics. I was reading the info for the wrong version of the laptop model, and based on that, I shelled out for it. Here is a webpage on how to access Windows ClickLock. Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 20:33
  • 1
    I have to agree that sometimes, when I think the button is locked, it isn't. That's why I want a visual cue.\ Commented Jan 26, 2020 at 21:07

1 Answer 1


I had the same question/desire as you. I went searching, landed here.

Could not find anything, so I decided to write my own script to achieve exactly this.



  • Thanks so much! Unfortunately, I need something that responds this way on computers that are locked down (severely limited user rights) and not. So I was hoping that the solution would be native to Windows. I hope that your solution helps others! Commented May 4, 2023 at 22:57

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