I have tabulatory data as follows

2020-01-01 | yes | 5
2020-01-01 | no  | 3
2020-01-02 | no  | 2
2020-01-03 | yes | 7
2020-01-10 | no  | 4
2020-01-11 | yes | 9
2020-01-12 | yes | 22

and I want to create a new "collapsed" or "accumulated" table from this.

The output should look as follows

           - 2020-01-01 | 5   //5
2020-01-01 - 2020-01-03 | 12  //3+2+7
2020-01-03 - 2020-01-11 | 13  //4+9
2020-01-11 - 2020-01-12 | 22  //22

I basically want to add all the values of rows with no to the next row with yes. And add the timeframe between these accumulated yes rows as a first column.

I'm not so experienced with spreadsheet calculations. Is this possible and if yes how?

I would prefer to have a solution that works in libre office calc, but I do also have access to microsoft excel.

  • In Excel you could do this fairly easily with VBA, but I don't know if that would work in Libre-Office. Is a VBA solution acceptable? Commented Jan 10, 2020 at 12:53

1 Answer 1


Here's a possible solution (using Excel):

  • start with your basic data in A1:C8
    raw data
  • add 4 columns: one to control when to subtotal, one for the start date, one for the end date, and one for the actual subtotal itself, using the formulas shown ((sorry, just noticed I used y/n instead of yes/no, you'll have to adjust the formulas appropriately):

formula definitions

  • With a cell somewhere in the table selected, hit the "subtotal" button (in the Data ribbon, "outline" section)
  • in the Subtotal dialog, set it for At Each Change in ST_Level, Use Function Max, Add Subtotal To StartDate, EndDate, Subtotal; click OK.
    how to fill out the Subtotal dialog
  • collapse the resulting table to level 2 using the "grouping" controls that will appear on the left.
    final result

That gets you exactly the data you want, plus the extra "grand max" row and a few blank columns. If you want to reduce this to exactly and only the data you want, you can then:

  • select all of the relevant data cells (excluding the "Grand Max" line)
  • press F5
  • click "Special..."
  • select "Visible cells only"
  • click OK
  • Ctrl-C to copy the selected cells
  • paste them in a new sheet
  • Format the results to your liking.
    enter image description here
  • Thank you very much for the comprehensive answer! I followed your steps and it basically worked. Unfortunately I realized later that I need some more calculations that I couldn't fit nicely in your framework. So I spent yesterday building a python macro that calculates everything I need. Your answer nicely solves the problem from the question though, so I'll accept you answer.
    – Simon Lenz
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 13:15

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