I have 4850+ .rtf and .doc files which I need to present arbitrarily to a group of people monthly, on a screen which I cannot see (to maximize the number of people who can see the screen, cable length limitations, etc, I sit behind/beside the screen). I need to scroll these files as the group reads from them, and I need to be able to read from them as well at the same time.

I cannot use PowerPoint - these are .rtf and .doc files, there are too many to convert to .ppt manually, and I'd be concerned about verifying accurate conversion if it were possible in an automated manner.

I am not satisfied with using mirrored screens, as I need to take notes while managing this all, and also do not want to show my full desktop to the group (much less my notes).

Is there a way I can get a live "picture-in-picture" window of the second monitor, so I can read, see where the mouse is to scroll, etc, while still being able to perform other tasks with my computer?

I am somewhat limited to Windows 10 at this time.

  • Related question: superuser.com/q/740351/16468
    – Iiridayn
    Commented Nov 26, 2019 at 21:15
  • can also use OBS (open broadcaster software) and set a "scene" as your presentation monitor. This will allow you to see it as well as see the mouse on your primary screen. This is the same software game streamers use to manage what windows get streamed while the viewer can only see what is selected.
    – Narzard
    Commented Nov 27, 2019 at 1:47
  • @Narzard caused my OS to lock up 4x times that night, so might not be a good fit :/. Otherwise seemed an adequate solution.
    – Iiridayn
    Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 22:47


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