I have a document with an entire paragraph double-underlined in blue. There's another post of the same name where a respondent says it's due to "wordiness." I do believe I'm looking at an example of wordiness, but being a legal contract, this isn't a section I want to change.

I've run the grammar and spelling checks, and this section is not addressed by those. I've looked in Options --> Proofing and unchecked everything grammar-related, but it has not changed this double-underline. There are no suggestions when I right-click either.

The other response I read said to turn off "wordiness" under Preferences. Preferences is not a heading I can find anywhere so we must be looking at different versions of Word.

I'm using Professional Plus 2013. Any help is appreciated.

1 Answer 1


In Word 2013, I found a place to turn on/off the wordiness checking.

  • The File menu in the main ribbon.
  • Options
  • Proofing
  • The Settings button in the "When correcting spelling and grammar..." section.
  • Scroll way down.
  • Check/uncheck the Wordiness option.

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