Looking through the help, I see that the install defaults to your processor architecture; but if you have a 64-bit OS and only 32-bit package is available, it will fall back. So how can you tell which one you're getting (ideally without installing)? Also, will x86 package names always end in x86?

Using --checksum64 somehow might work, but I haven't been able to get that to work yet. FWIW, there's a force x86 install option, but there doesn't seem to be one to force x64.

  • Just a question.. Why does it matter? Commented Sep 19, 2019 at 14:42
  • 1
    @SeñorCMasMas: If you want to load multi-gigabyte files into RAM, a 32-bit application might not work for you. In such a case, you'll want the 64-bit version of that application instead. Therefore, you might want to make sure Chocolatey is able to install the 64-bit version. Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 7:50

1 Answer 1


I don't love this answer, but it's a start. Run choco install [package], and it will download the binar(y|ies) and pause to ask if you want to actually install them. I'm not sure of the exact location it will drop them, but I just searched my AppDAta for the package.

Directory of C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\NuGetScratch\0b0d34f0-3921-4e7b-8997-68b940ecb090\fh12npqr.j5j\tools

09/19/2019  10:36 AM        41,561,144 vcxsrv-
09/19/2019  10:36 AM        40,632,035 vcxsrv.
               2 File(s)     82,193,179 bytes

Fortunately for me, I can clearly see that I have both options. If only one is there, I guess you just have to probe the binary to see what it is.

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