where are these coming from I have disabled all extensions. I am pretty sure that there is no prettify.css or base.css among my project files and yet I am still getting these code hints. How can I get rid of them?

  • Unwanted code hints from prettify.css or base.css in VScode:


  • Can you explain exactly how you fixed it? I have been having this problem for months and it's starting to make me mad. I tried everything to exclude node_modules and have confirmed that all these css files are in node_modules but it doesn't go away.
    – Foxyz
    Commented May 25 at 0:25

2 Answers 2


I forgot about node modules.

All I had to do was creating jsconfig.json file and adding unwanted paths to configuration.

It is all there in the documentation: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/javascript#_javascript-projects-jsconfigjson

In my defense: node_modules was already added to watcher and search:exclude


I was having the exact same problem. I tried all configuration settings from jsconfig.json, tsconfig.json to settings.json and it didn't stop giving these css hints from node_modules.

After a lot of trying for days I remembered that you can reload VSCode with the extensions disabled. Sure enough that solved it. After knowing it's an extension that causes this, I just had to figure out which one. After disabling a hundred extensions one by one it suddenly disappeared.

The extension that caused it was HTML CSS Support by ecmel (ecmel.vscode-html-css) Disabling this extension solves the problem. There might be configuration settings for this specific extension to exclude node_modules or stop it from giving hints in unrelated file types.

It's much nicer to have actually useful intellisense because I stopped using intellisense due to the huge list of useless hints. Fun to have that luxury back.

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