I never have many windows (since they are spread out between multiple desktop) and I never click the taskbar icons (<Win> + <Number> is more convenient for me), so I'd like to hide taskbar.

I don't want to activate auto-hide because I still want to see the clock and icons of currently opened windows at all times.

I think the best option would be to make the taskbar not fill the whole horizontal space but make it floating like this:

Taskbar example

Source, with more examples

P.S. Yes, I am aware that this customization is not a part of the official functionality, so the use of 3rd party tools or deeper tweaking is expected.


1 Answer 1


This is not a standard option of Windows, so it needs a third-party product.

You could get ObjectDock by Stardock, which can do very many customizations.
It is however a commercial product with a 30-days trial.

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