I have a VM running MacOS 10.15 beta 2 (Catalina) on VMWare Fusion 11.

I want to boot it into recover mode.

I have tried holding down R, Command+R, and I added macosguest.forceRecoveryModeInstall = "TRUE" to the macOS.Catalina.vmx file and none of these worked.

Has anyone had any success with this? If so, please share your tips. Any information is greatly appreciated.

2 Answers 2


I faced the same issue when I wanted to disable SIP, I bypassed this by set csrutil to disable during first recovery mode during installation the Catalina, once installed, you cannot get into it anymore


I was having the same issue but in my case I was using VMWare Player, so to run macOS on player you need to have unlocker properly installed and if its not then the VM will just get stuck in bootloop for both normal boot and recovery boot.

So, I uninstalled my unlocker and then reinstalled it again and it worked :)

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