This is a follow-up of this question. So there is no limit for saving bookmarks in Firefox, but is there actually a limit in Firefox Sync?

I have heard something like this.

And if so, does it mean I may loose some bookmarks when I sync them between devices? Or actually have some bookmarks only on some devices?

Same question for history entries etc.

  • see this answer actually: Firefox for Android won't sync more than 5000 bookmarks.
    – rugk
    Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 16:38

1 Answer 1


Oh, actually the answer seems to be on support.mozilla.org:

There is only a limit for the payload used for synced tabs and a date/time range for the history. I don't think there is a limit for the bookmarks, but bookmarks are synced in chunks of a few hundred items (200), so it takes some time to sync a large amount of bookmarks.

So basically, it does not seem to be the case. It only takes some time and cannot sync hundreds of items at the same time.

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