I purchased a 8TB hard drive less than 30 days ago and because it was poorly packaged I tried to check it for bad sectors. 3 days later while the HDDScan was still doing a writing test my PC got a BSOD and after the computer restarted the HDD was gone from the 'My Computer' window I had to re-initialize it again (I had to choose a partition style between MBR and GPT all over again) and I always take GPT (I heard that's what I have to take since the drive is high capacity) and that happened to me twice. In both instance the HDD was connected via SATA to a USB 3.0 Docking Station. HDDScan found a large amount of bad sector and I though maybe that was it and I sent it back.

Less than 15 days ago I got a replacement drive same brand same model and well packaged. And I did the same thing again: checked it for bad sector by doing a write test using HDDScan (which could theorically take 8-10 days to fully test a 8TB) but 3 days in the computer BSOD again! (seems my computer can't stay on for 3 days in a row without BSOD-ing but that beside the point). When the computer restarted the disk was gone all over again, and again I had to re-init it. (again I took GPT)

Because HDDScan was finding bad sectors all over again I had to switch to a more serious tool (HD Tune Pro). Also for the fourth test (second test with the new drive) I connected it via SATA instead of using a docking station (USB). HD Tune found No bad sector (so obviously HDDScan sucks).

Happy with the HDD checks I did with HD Tune Pro I decided to copy files from my old 1TB (WDC WD10EACS) to my new 8TB. So I moved 100 GB worth of files and the remaining files I copied. But before I could copy every single files (I had copied some but not all), Windows BSOD-ed again. And when the computer loaded again the HDD was gone again and every file was gone with it! (basically I lost 100GB) worth of files. I GPT-ed once again and tried recovering them but the recovery software acted as if they were never there!

I don't know if it's Windows or the HDD model that is the issue. But I would really like to know what's causing this. (I don't think it's the way it is connected since I did both SATA and USB, also all the other connected drives are fine).

  • It's much more likely that whatever is causing your hard drive to become raw is what's causing Windows to BSOD. Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 15:33
  • @TwistyImpersonator from what I've seen often time it is a USB issue. One time for instance it was a focusrite driver issue (it's an audio interface connected via usb). Other times there was the word usb in it but I don't recall exactly what it was. Anyway I will check at the next BSOD but if it's a USB related BSOD then it won't explain why the drive becomes raw while it's connected via SATA and why the other drives that are connected via USB are fine.
    – Paiku Han
    Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 15:51
  • I think you should accept the findings of the tool that claimed defects on the disk.
    – harrymc
    Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 15:52
  • @harrymc that tool says any disk is damage disk whereas when I tried HD Tune Pro on an actual damage disk it told me exactly how many blocks where damage and said nothing when I tried on the new drive. I am not saying you're wrong I am just looking for some other plausible solution. I will contact Seagate on monday anyway if I don't find an answer by then. Also I checked some of the files that I had copied on the 8TB and they seemed fine (the videos played fine at least and the pdf I opened worked as well)
    – Paiku Han
    Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 15:57
  • @PaikuHan Are you sure that the USB 3.0 Docking Station works with disks as large as 8TB? Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 16:35


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