I am trying to mount a share on Mojave 10.14.3 for Mac mini distribution point hosted on VM Windows Server 2008 R2 using the following command :

mount_smbfs -f 0755 -d 0755 smb://username:pwd@ip_address/Users/Shared/ /Volumes/Guest

It throws the following error :

mount_smbfs: mount error: /Volumes/guest: No such file or directory

I have created the directory. If I try to create again it says directory exists.

  • I'm seeing this too - on macOS 11.6.1.
    – dstromberg
    Commented Feb 16, 2022 at 16:14

2 Answers 2


Based only on the commands you show above, your problem looks like you try to mount on Guest but you have created guest. Since macOS High Sierra (10.13), the default file system (APFS) is case-sensitive. Thus, you need to use the same capitalization when referring to the mount point in your commands.

Note also that the protocol isn't part of the location specification in the command. Take a look at the man page for mount_smbfs for more information and examples. Note also that the man page recommends using mount instead of calling mount_smbfs directly:

mkdir -p /Volumes/guest
mount -t smbfs -o -f=0755,-d=0755 //username:pwd@ip_address/Users/Shared/ /Volumes/guest
  • 1
    I tried using the commands suggested by you. Still same error. mount_smbfs: mount error: /Volumes/guest: No such file or directory
    – ksimpi
    Commented Mar 28, 2019 at 11:42
  • @ksimpi were you able to solve this issue?
    – MCH
    Commented Nov 16, 2019 at 8:31

I had the same issue. I fixed it by putting the last argument (i.e the mounting point) in quotes. So in OP case, it would be:

mount_smbfs -f 0755 -d 0755 smb://username:pwd@ip_address/Users/Shared/ "/Volumes/Guest"

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