I use following registry macro to add a contextual menu on .XML file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tools\\XFormat\\XFormat.bat %1"

Currently, I have received a new PC in Windows 7 and I run same Registry script to add explorer contextual menu. Now, when I check if menu is visible, I don't see anything !

I have modified my Registry script to define the same context using ".xml" instead of "xmlfile" but nothing happens.

I have then replace ".xml" by ".txml", I have changed the type of XML file to TXML and ... that's working.

What happens ?

How can I define an explorer context menu on XML file ?

My XML registry is following

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Content Type"="text/xml"





@="D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tools\\XFormat\\XFormat.bat %1"

2 Answers 2


Old question, but since it bubbled to the top...

The most likely reason the edit failed is that it creates an entry where neither the path to the executable/bat as well as the fully qualified path of the argument (%1) are unquoted, and thus will fail when there are spaces in the path:

enter image description here

If the necessary quotation marks are added:

enter image description here

and the entry exported, the .reg file becomes:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tools\\XFormat\\XFormat.bat\" \"%1\""

Note the escaped quotation marks.

There's rerely a need to compose a .reg file from scratch and worry about escape sequences when regedit can act as a WYSIWYG editor. Creating an entry in regedit and then editing the exported file is much easier if path modification or cloning to other ProgIDs is necessary.


Now, on Windows 10, the solution I'm using on my PC is following

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="C:\\Script\\FORMAT-XML\\FORMAT-XML.bat \"%L\""

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