I need a way to exclude a specific web address from the Win 10 list of proxy exceptions.

For example, if I am using a proxy, but I don't want the proxy used for a specific domain (google.com) I can add "*.google.com" to the list of excepted addresses in proxy settings as shown below. But what if I do want to use the proxy for any addresses that start with "maps.google.com". Is there a way to have an exception to the list of exceptions?

What I would like to do (use something like a "-" to bypass maps.google.com from exclusion):

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You could do that via Control Panel > Internet Options, to set up a rule to use a proxy script.

In the resulting dialog, click the Connections tab and then on LAN settings at the bottom. Next tick Use automatic configuration script and enter the name of a local proxy.pac file, which will contain a script that you will need to write.

enter image description here

Please note that local proxy scripts are deprecated but may still be enabled by changing the registry. For details, see the article Understanding Web Proxy Configuration for setting HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\EnableLegacyAutoProxyFeatures.

Creating a proxy.pac file needs some knowledge. See for example Wikipedia Proxy auto-config, but much more information is available by searching on the Web.

  • 2
    It is not correct that "proxy scripts are deprecated". It is true that local proxy scripts defined by the file:// syntax had been deprecated, but these have now also been removed, see also superuser.com/a/1569042/253137. You can still serve a local .pac file through a local HTTP server, for example.
    – bers
    Commented Jul 16, 2020 at 6:39

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