Im connected to the internet via wifi and want to connect to my fritz.box via a wired connection, but it seems that windows always tries to use the wired connection when i'm trying to access the internet via chrome. I get this error:


I tried setting the IPv4 priority manually (the metric), but it still doesn't work. When i try accessing any page on internet explorer, i automatically get sent to the fritz.box page.

1 Answer 1


You could try to change a connections order as here described https://support.microsoft.com/en-hk/help/2526067 and set your Internet link order higher.

Although this will be reset every time you'll connect your wired link. If you'll need some automatic solution then use nvspbind tool with event-based task in scheduler.

  • Damn, i completely forgot this option exists, that was probably it - i already solved my problem by just connecting the fritz.box directly to the internet via wifi and then disabling the wifi on my laptop, but thanks! Commented Jan 21, 2019 at 13:49

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