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I can't figure out the proper formula to lookup a value based on three different criteria. I want to fill out the summary table with data from the source table.

I tried using INDEX, MATCH and SUMPRODUCT but the value always returned "-" instead of the correct value. Not sure how to combine the formula together

Say I want to fill in the Summary Table D16 where PersonA matches for both tables, the data is for Quarter 2 and the data would match the type which is Expense. How do I do this?


1 Answer 1


Use INDEX to return the correct row:


Then use SUMIFS to return the correct Column's Value in that range:


Put the above in D16, copy over and down.

  • nice! I was running through some sort of aggregate sumproduct option. Much better to avoid the array calc option. +1
    – Forward Ed
    Commented Jan 9, 2019 at 13:32

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