I recently inherited an older PC running win7 and I wanted to see if it still works, the issue is I don't have an VGA monitor and VGA is all the computer supports, so at the moment, there is no way for me to see what is going on at the moment, so I was wondering if there is any software available that I can use on my android phone as a monitor via USB where I do not need to install any additional software on the older device. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I might be able to view the device's output, that would be brilliant. Thanks in advance.

  • 1
    Unfortunately, I think the answer is “no” – unless you already have the necessary software installed on the PC. A Virtual Network Controller (VNC) would be ideal, and do exactly what you want, as would TeamViewer, but if it Is not already installed on the PC, I don’t see how you can do it without a display. Perhaps you can find an old, very cheap RGB monitor on eBay, CraigList, the “for free” listing in your local newspaper? Maybe there’s one lying in a cupboard somewhere at work? Perhaps a PC repair shop could help? ... ->
    – Mawg
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:22
  • 1
    Yeah, It came with an older laptop as well, so i'd put linux on both of them and use them as a stack, but at the moment, this one has no way for me to see what I'm doing, assuming it still works at all.
    – J-Cake
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:24
  • 1
    When you power it on, do you see a power light? Do you hear a hard drive spin? If not, probably don't bother. If so, it's no guarantee, but maybe worth investigating?
    – Mawg
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:26
  • 1
    The computer turns on, I hear the HDD and the fan and lights flash, so I assume it's not entirely broken.
    – J-Cake
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:27
  • 1
    If it really is RGB and you have a TV with SCART try using an RGB to Scart adapter.
    – Antony
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:42

1 Answer 1


It's VGA, not RGB - you'll need some flavour of software for remote access. You can't just plug a phone into a PC over USB and get it to do anything, let alone be a monitor by itself.

Now the solution you need is something that converts VGA to a HDMI or DP - these are commodity items with a bunch of options. You can then plug it into a modern monitor. Presumably you can then set up some remote access software to run it over wifi.

  • I have a USB keyboard and mouse, controlling it is not the issue, but I did consider an adapter-like device.
    – J-Cake
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:29
  • 1
    RGB monitors do exist. However, their input was VGA, so this is a problem that can be solved with the right adapter. Any monitor that supports VGA will work, depending on the connectors, your question makes no mention of the connector the computer uses.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:30
  • Ah, I see. I'm not too great with the different port types...
    – J-Cake
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:31
  • 1
    VGA basically does RGB analog signals and a bit more. Bit of a shameless plug but this is a super useful post on hardware ID
    – Journeyman Geek
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 7:38

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