I am trying to run a commandline-based emulator and I need to drag an .iso file onto the .exe so the .exe will run the .iso, or I have to open command prompt there and run it with commands.

I think the process could be reduced by creating a shortcut that runs the .iso data file via the .exe on Windows, but with barely any knowledge of the OS other than what could be done with the graphic interface, I have no idea how to set up the shortcut.

I know how to make a shortcut of .exe but I think I need some extra arguments for it to run the .iso ontop of that?

  • What kind of program (.exe) are you trying to use. Does it help file have something like 'prog.exe -i d:\test\myiso.iso'
    – Hennes
    Commented Oct 13, 2018 at 12:32

1 Answer 1


Dragging a file onto an executable in Windows runs the executable with the full path to that file as the first argument. Therefore, you can create a shortcut with the following "Target":

"C:\path\to\executable.exe" "C:\path\to\file.iso"

and the following "Start in" path:


Shortcut tab in Properties dialog

  • Yes thats exactly what I want to know. Also on a side note, where do I get basic grasp of computer knowledge? Problems like this could be solved easily if i know how target field works and what arguments go there. I am starting to painfully recognise that I am seriously lacking basic computer knowlege for being born after that golden era of dos and rarely having a chance to fiddle with computers in youth. Is there something I can do to learn the basics, so it would help me with programming classes at uni.
    – JTR777
    Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 19:03
  • @JacktheRipper Since that's such a broad topic range, there isn't one particular place to learn. In my case, I learned mostly just from being curious and trying things. You could also follow a few relevant Super User tags to see what questions and answers people post. Sometimes you can find some pretty interesting things that way.
    – Worthwelle
    Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 20:30

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