I've been trying to install Windows 10 on a Thinkpad R60 for two weeks and went through several tutorials on how to create a bootable ISO on Linux/Debian 9. This one finally seemed to work (i.e. without running into any trouble in between):


Unfortunately, the laptop won't boot the ISO. I already set the boot order in BIOS to check for external USB drives first. What am I missing?

  • With an R60, you unfortunately do not have UEFI. The guide looks good though. Can you describe (in your question) what happens after selecting your USB drive in the boot selection menu?
    – Daniel B
    Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 18:11
  • I had wiped the laptop HDD, so after power up I got to a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Problem solved, see below :)
    – david
    Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 18:16

2 Answers 2


SOLVED: Need to set the drive as bootable

Can be done using Gnome-Disk - in Debian: Applications >> Accessories >> Disks >> Additional partition options >> Edit partition >> Bootable


i stumbled upon this question but answer did not fit for me

so i googled more and posting here answer which worked:


there are four options covered in the link, i'll describe here one suitable

  1. install GParted

  2. select inserted flash drive

  3. unmount

  4. Device -> Create Partition Table -> msdos -> Apply

  5. right click the unallocated space -> New

  6. make a primary NTFS partition and give it a label

  7. Apply all operations

  8. right click the partition -> Manage flags

  9. select boot

  10. copy files from windows.iso

  11. sync (takes a lot of time, if you want to see progress find how here on stackoverflow)

  12. install grub-pc-bin

  13. sudo grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory="/media/<username>/<drive_label>/boot" /dev/sdX (also takes some time)

  14. touch on usb /boot/grub/grub.cfg and copy there:

    menuentry "Start Windows Installation" {
        insmod ntfs
        insmod search_label
        search --no-floppy --set=root --label <USB_drive_label> --hint hd0,msdos1
        ntldr /bootmgr
    menuentry "Boot from the first hard drive" {
        insmod ntfs
        insmod chain
        insmod part_msdos
        insmod part_gpt
        set root=(hd1)
        chainloader +1

don't forget to replace anything <...> with your data

after that i got bootable flash with windows install

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