I just migrated a linux system (Ubuntu 16.04) from a failing hard disk. After lots of troubles, it starts up, but always complains

/dev/sda2 has unsupported feature(s): metadata_csum
E2FSCK: Get a newer version of e2fsck!

So I updated e2fsck to 1.44.4 on my root file system.

e2fsck 1.44.4 (18-Aug-2018)
Using EXT2FS Library version 1.44.4, 18-Aug-2018

Still I get the above error.

So my question is: From where is e2fsck run at startup? It appears not to be the root partition. Do I have to update e2fsck on the initramfs? Is it possible that reinstalling grub2 updates e2fsck on the initramfs? Reinstalling grub2 did not solve this issue.

1 Answer 1


Read this very detailed Ask Ubuntu post :
E2FSCK: how to handle the “metadata_csum” error by advancing the e2fsck version beyond default installed version

The final advice given is :

update e2fsprogs and e2fslibs to 1.43.X - do not go all the way up to 1.44.X. The 1.43.X packages are sufficient to remove the "metadata_csum" error and allow you to use GParted or e2fsck at the command line.

  • Thanks a lot, it worked. I had e2fsck 1.44 and e2fslibs 1.42. The post install triggers generated a new initramfs Commented Sep 21, 2018 at 11:34

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