I am using Windows 10, and the Skype App that came with it. (Not Skype for Business.)

I have its icon in the taskbar.

But when I get a message, the taskbar icon doesn't change to show me that I received a message.

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


I found a way to get it to show that a message was received.

(Note: This will work for future messages, but not retroactively.)

In the Start Menu, I right click on Skype > More > Turn Live Tile On.

enter image description here

Then on the next message you get, it will show that 1 message was received:

enter image description here

UPDATE: This does NOT always work. The notification count does not always appear. I recommend switching to Classic Skype (aka "Skype for Windows") if possible.


Turn on"Show badges on taskbar buttons". The icon still does not flash, but you get a number bubble of the number of new messages you have. Setting>Personalization>taskbar

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