
When I turn on my computer, it just goes go to a black blank screen. It only has an internal graphic card.

Upon further investigation, I noticed the fan intermittently stop and start again. Things I have done:

  • Removed all peripherals, ram, etc but the problem still persists.
  • Swap with a working RAM
  • Reapplied thermal paste
  • Blow dust

Don't know if I should:

  • buy a new power supply to test

Thank you.

  • Can you boot into an OS normally and just the BIOS doesn't work or does nothing work at all?
    – confetti
    Commented Aug 30, 2018 at 5:28
  • hi, sorry for my unclear question. Nothing work at all. Commented Aug 30, 2018 at 6:40

2 Answers 2


Follow these steps:

Check if The power supply (PSU) is busted - there is a way to test the PSU without connecting to a CPU- refer here: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-power-up-an-ATX-Power-Supply-without-a-PC/

If this fails - buy a new PSU If not - proceed to next step

The connections of the cables are not correct double check all connections in the motherboard are correct (RAM, CPU fan, PSU, GPU, etc)



Disconnect all cables from the system, most especially the power cable. Let the system sit for a minute, then just reconnect power, keyboard, mouse, and video, and see if it boots.

if not, try a new power supply. Resetting CMOS shall also help.

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