Is there a way to clone a directory's permissions to a file, and then run that file on another server to recreate those permissions on the recreated structure.

I've got a script to create the directories:

New-Item -Path D:\superuser-data -ItemType directory
Net-Item -Path D:\superuser-data\documents -ItemType directory
Net-Item -Path D:\superuser-data\scripts -ItemType directory

I run that script then setup the permissions to the way I want them with AD accounts on Server A.

Then I want the ability to rerun that script on Server B and then run another script on Server B that sets the permissions to match what I did on Server A.


1 Answer 1


From here: https://seankilleen.com/2015/01/how-to-copy-ACL-Permissions-To-Folders-With-Powershell/

Powershell contains the commands get-acl and set-acl, and you can pipe them together:

Get-Acl -Path C:\Folder1 | Set-Acl -Path C:\Folder2

Those paths can be UNC or other appropriate path methods, so they should be able to work across networks.


Security Descriptors CAN be copied and stored. The following is not the most efficient process, his is the first time I've even tried doing this, but it is functional.

A few iteratively-refined Google searches brought me here: http://community.idera.com/powershell/powertips/b/tips/posts/replacing-ntfs-permissions-with-sddl-information

And here's the process.

  1. Capture the ACL from the source computer:
    $SDout = get-acl -path (source folder)
  2. Store the SDDL in the clipboard:
    $SDout.GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm('All') | clip.exe
  3. Paste into Notepad and move to the target computer.
  4. Copy ONLY the single-line SDDL to the clipboard.
  5. Store the source SDDL in a parameter:
    $SDsource = '(paste the source SDDL here)'
  6. Capture the target ACL object in a parameter:
    $SDtarget = get-acl -path (target folder)
  7. Overwrite the target's SDDL with the source's SDDL:
  8. Write the modified ACL back to the target folder:
    set-acl -Path (target folder) -ACLObject $SDtarget

Checking properties now you should see the target folder has the same permissions as the source folder.

  • Can I store the results of Get-Acl into a file that set-acl can read in?" ` Get-Acl D:\superuser-data\ | Out-File superuser-data.txt cat superuser-data.txt | Set-Acl -Path D:\superuser2-data`
    – Nick
    Commented May 30, 2018 at 19:48
  • The pipe uses PS' object system. Sending get-acl's output to a file loses the object-nature of the information, so you'll have to massage the data either when you export or when you import, or in-between.I tried simply storing the output in a file (out-file) and then importing it into a new varial (get-content) and the syntax was not understood by set-acl. Commented May 30, 2018 at 20:52
  • 1
    Ok, I think I've figured something out. Give me a few minutes to test. Commented May 30, 2018 at 21:03

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