I'm having a problem trying to delete an application from my Mac. The file in question "Υπομνήσεις.app" is visible in Finder and Launchpad, but it won't show in the Terminal.

Malicious file in Finder

Untraceable file in terminal

ls -a doesn't reveal the hidden file, I tried to search my entire drive after it and I tried this too touch Υπομνήσεις.app; rm Υπομνήσεις.app which didn't work either. I have also checked in my own user’s applications directory (~/Applications/) as well as the root applications directory (/Applications/). I'm at a loss.

  • Done already, neither applications folder contains the file. I searched my entire drive after "Υπομνήσεις*" too. No result.
    – Durrahan
    Commented May 30, 2018 at 1:40

2 Answers 2


Υπομνήσεις just means Remember in Greek so I don't think anything points to it being malicious.

The name is probably being set via a plist or some other metadata. Either way you should be able to remove it just with the menu you shouldn't need to remove it via the terminal.


I found a solution myself, but can't quite understand it.

I opened the Package content of Υπομνήσεις.app and was able to remove everything in it. After doing so Υπομνήσεις.app renamed itself to Reminder.app and I was able to find it in the terminal and remove it.


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