I'm using VLC 3.0.1 on a MacBook. I'm also using Moom (a move/zoom windows app).

My Moom shortcut to throw the window to my upper display is controlshiftfnup—which, being a MacBook, translates to controlshiftpage up, since the MacBook has no 10-key pad.

In VLC, my shortcut is instead increasing the size of the window by roughly 20%, and it sometimes also is moving the window leftward (sometimes even offscreen).

Strangely, my Moom shortcut to throw the window to my lower display (controlshiftfndown/controlshiftpage down) isn't interrupted by VLC.

I've looked through all keyboard shortcuts in the menubar, and I've looked through all shortcuts in VLC Prefs -> Hotkeys. I see no shortcuts under VLC prefs -> Show All.

I'd like to remove or overwrite the unwanted VLC shortcut, but what is it?

  • I'm not seeing any ctrl/shift commands at all in VLC; nor does your command produce any effect for me. I'd try resetting VLC's prefs & if no change, look elsewhere - maybe system prefs>keyboard>shortcuts
    – Tetsujin
    Commented May 21, 2018 at 7:02
  • 1
    I've just discovered that if I change the Moom shortcut to a different combination, the move action still fails. Thus it'd seem not to be a key-combination clash. I've created a ticket with Moom, and I'll update this SU question when I've more info. Thanks.
    – 2540625
    Commented May 22, 2018 at 16:47


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