With VMware workstation player, I use a Windows 10 host, and two Ubuntu VM-guests.

On my system I tried to connect VM clients, that get the IP address from the internal vm-dhcp and not from the host’s dhcp-router.

On Linux I could find and change the config-file, but on on Windows I didn't find the config-file. The solution was to download a gui-tool vmnetconf.exe and set the local DHCP there.

Why can I configure it thru the file on Linux and on Windows I need to download a tool?

2 Answers 2


You can directly edit the configuration file on Windows too.

VMware's DHCP configuration file on Windows is located at %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\vmnetdhcp.conf. (The ALLUSERSPROFILE environment variable is typically C:\ProgramData.)

You will need to restart the VMware DHCP service after modifying the file.

  • May you give an example, on how to change the Configuration File for a Host only Network ? Thanks
    – Tech-IO
    Commented Apr 23, 2018 at 12:55

VMware communities had an anwser on that:


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