I am facing a weird behavior with rsnapshot. I am using it on a dedicated backup server to backup several machines. One of them is nextcloud.

The data folder is mounted to the nextcloud VM under /data/ per nfs from the Host machine. At the first run the .sync folder was created and all backups went well. A new user came a long and logged in for the first time in to nextcloud, so his directory was created under /data/.

This directory is not being backed up, rsnapshot just creates the links and rotates! And I am wondering why? Does it have something to do with sync_first option, or with the fact that I am backing up the share on the nextcloud VM and not from the host?

I am backing up the whole /data/ folder.

Thanks a lot

  • When you use rsnapshot using the first_sync option set, you always have to run rsnapshot sync before running e.g. rsnapshot daily. The sync command will actually download the files, the other commands will just rotate. Are you using the sync command?
    – LEDfan
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 6:08
  • Hi, I just figured that out after posting the question. Indeed in my /etc/cron.d/rsnapshot file I didn't have the sync run configured, so I added it and started the Backup from scratch. It looks good now, I wanted to wait until the next run today and confirm the solution. Thanks a lot for the answer.
    – Max
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 6:26


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