After I run

synclient MaxTapTime=0
synclient TapButton1=0
synclient TapButton2=0
synclient TapButton3=0

my touchpad still executes a click on tap.

Even setting something obvious like TouchpadOff=1 has no effect on behaviour of the touchpad.

The question: how do I investigate it further?

cat /proc/bus/input/devices apparently contains two devices named "touchpad": SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad and DELL07E6:00 06CB:76AF Touchpad, can it be a problem?

1 Answer 1


Some people reported synclient not working in Ubuntu 16.04, but I have found another way of disabling tap-to-click:

xinput set-prop ID "Synaptics Tap Action" 0 please substitute ID with ID of your input device which can be obtained from xinput list

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