Scenario: I open 3 Visual studio 2015 instances in particular order so that when switching between them via task bar hover preview I know exactly which project is at first position and so on. I can simply move my mouse on the grouped Visual studio icon in taskbar and without paying attention click on one of the 3 hover previews of the instance I want to open.

Problem: But, due to some unknown reasons Window 10 sometimes reorders these previews (inside the group) and I often click on the wrong VS instance expecting it to be another. Furthermore, I cannot drag-drop within hover previews to re-order them and the only way to reset the order is to close all instances and open them again one-by-one in the order I want.

What is causing this behavior? How can I at least re-order these hover previews without closing and re-opening all VS2015 instances?

Image of Windows 10 taskbar hover preview of 3 Visual studio instances

1 Answer 1


You can re-order the previews with the 7+ Taskbar Tweaker with drag-and-drop within a group of instances.

Screenshot 7+TaskbarTweaker with highlighted option

  • You mean drag-and-drop within single group of previews right?
    – Talha
    Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 14:32
  • Yes, within the groups, you can reorder the hover-preview-instances by drag-and-drop.
    – timethy96
    Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 14:34

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