It started when I was installing Kali Linux on my MacBook with a dual boot, I used a Live USB to install and when going through the install process, I shrunk my macOS partition on the hard drive to make space for the Linux install, the shrinking was taking rather long and it was still going as I went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and the the shrinking had finished fine so I continued the install. It finished installing so I rebooted and it went straight to GRUB 2.

I tried booting into Kali but I was greeted with a hard drive error. I repeatedly rebooted but it would not boot every time. I gave up and I tried to boot into macOS when I was greeted with a circle with a slash in it.

Then, I booted into recovery mode and had a look on Disk Utility. I am shown two things:

  1. a Linux swap
  2. a Kali partition

but no Macintosh HD.

I then went into terminal and ran diskutil list and I was greeted with this

enter image description here

I assume that my OS and data is stored in disk0s2 Apple_CoreStorage and if it is not then I am screwed (No Backup).

Any help recovering my OS and data would be highly appreciated as I have some important stuff in there. I will edit any info you need on to the thread. Many Thanks, Evan


1 Answer 1


Solved by simply removing the drive from the MacBook and inserting it into another pc running a live USB of Debian. Copying over files now 👌 close shave.


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