
When I hit Delete (or Ctrl+d) in order to delete a selected email, the program selects the previous email (an older one).


Is it possible to modify this behaviour so I can delete an email and move to the newer one?


  1. I'm reading the selected message. After I'm done with it I would like to delete it and move to the one below (the next one, chronologically speaking).

    There are 3 messages sorted in an ascending chronological order. The message in the middle is selected.

  2. Now I hit Delete. Now the message above (the previous one) is selected.

    There are 3 messages sorted in an ascending chronological order. The message at the top is selected.

  3. Instead of what we see in the second picture, I'd like the Claws Mail to select the next message after hitting Delete.

    There are 3 messages sorted in an ascending chronological order. The message at the bottom is selected.


  • I'm using Claws Mail version 3.16.0.
  • I'm running FreeBSD 12-CURRENT.

1 Answer 1


Claws Mail 3.13.1 introduced a hidden preference called next_on_delete, designed to let a user control the message selection when deleting emails.

So in order to solve my problem I had to change next_on_delete=0 to next_on_delete=1 in ~/.claws-mail/clawsrc.

There is a tool called Clawsker, which is a GUI to modify hidden preferences.


  • 1
    I can not imagine a work flow where the default of "previous on delete" is actually useful.
    – Mutant Bob
    Commented Mar 29, 2018 at 15:03
  • YES!! Ehr, I mean, thank you very much. (note that clawsrc must be edited while Claws is not running, or it will overwrite the file when you close it)
    – Joril
    Commented Dec 19, 2019 at 20:41

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