Ok thats my CPU "Athlon II X2 250"
But, What would the difference If I used an Phenom one ? Is there an difference between Athlon X2 II and Phenom X2 ? II (2 "i"'s just like F4 Phantom II)


1 Answer 1


What would the difference If I used a Phenom II X2 processor

Wikipedia says it best:

The Athlon II series is based on the AMD K10 architecture and derived from the Phenom II series. However, unlike its Phenom siblings, it does not contain any L3 Cache.

Athlon II


The Phenom II triples the shared L3 cache size from 2MB (in the original Phenom line) to 6MB, leading to benchmark performance gains as high as 30%.

Phenom II

Worth pointing out there are specific Phenom II processors, which are based on a Athlon II core, which also do not have L3 cache although still marketed as a Phenom II.

  • The comments I flagged had numerous typographical errors in them. Even if I was going to answer them I didn't understand them. They also have nothing to do with the question you asked. Extended commentary is subject to be removed.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 17:36

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