Problem: if for some reason router 1 does not have internet, i turn on WIFI adaptor for hotspot. When both LAN card 1 and wifi adaptor are enabled, internet connection doesn't work. But when I disable LAN card 1, internet works from wifi adaptor but I loose LAN to other PCs and NAS. How can I fix this?

Here's my setup:

LAN card 1 (Built-in) ISP Cable Modem >>> Router 1 >>> LAN 1 (using DHCP provided by the Router - full control) IPv4 Address: IPv4 Subnet Mask: IPv4 Default Gateway: * Router 1 - this is for internet access and all other LAN computers and NAS devices etc.

LAN card 2 (wifi adaptor) - any working wifi-hotspot as ISP >>> Wireless Network Connection (using DHCP provided by the hotspot - so cannot change anything here ) IPv4 Address: IPv4 Subnet Mask: IPv4 Default Gateway:

  • your question doesnt make any sense.
    – Keltari
    Commented Oct 16, 2017 at 8:17

1 Answer 1


I think the solution mentioned in the thread from this link can help you , as his use case was just about making one LAN usage permanently for intranet and other for internet. But you might get some ideas for your usage.

  • Thanks, but it works for 2 different routers setup. My case is different
    – prac
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 10:34

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