NFS_Server is a DataDomain Client is RHEL 7.3

I run a below command to show available NFS shared for my client system from NFS_server, however, I do not see all the share available to mount.

# showmount -e nfs_server_hostname
/test myclientsIP

# showmount -e nfs_server_IP
/test myclientsIP

In my case, I wanted a particular mount which was not showing in the results of above command.

still as DataDomain (which is a NFS_Server, in our case here) person told me to mount a particular share even if you don't see it in the output of showmount command above.

and for my surprise it got mounted, hence I ran above command again and still it was not showing in the list. but when I checked output of below command it was surprising for me.

# df -h
NFS_Server_IP:/test_Rep /mnt

I want to know the reason why it's happening and is there any other command to list such mount points which are hidden otherwise?

  • 1
    Seems to be a Data Domain "feature" that others have noted. See community.emc.com/thread/237589 for an example. Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 10:05
  • @AndrewHenle Yes that post is definally related but I still don't have the answer as to, why I see that shared when I do showmount -all but I don't see it when I do showmount -e from client system.
    – Hrish
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 10:21
  • Please show the contents of /etc/exports.
    – harrymc
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 11:15
  • @harrymc I do not have control over Data Domain (DD) & NFS Shares are exported from DD. hence I don't have those details.
    – Hrish
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 11:23


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