So I got a new work laptop - it's a fresh dell latitude - and windows 10 went through a very nice set up phase. I proceeded to install all the things.

  • git (for windows)
  • VSCode
  • chocolatey
  • keepass
  • dropbox
  • nodejs (latest, 8.4.0)

So I pop open Git Bash as an administrator and run:

cinst mysql -y

Then I try, several times, to get mysql or mysql -u root to work. So I read online on the chocolatey package MySQL needs the vscredist2013, so I choco uninstall mysql, install the redist, then reinstall MySQL. I try mysql -u root again - no dice.

Then I make sure MySQL service is actually running, it wasn't so I started that service, then I try again with mysql -u root - it still hangs forever now :c

Here's a gist of the .err file MySQL generates. Any ideas on how I can troubleshoot further or what went wrong?

Oh, I just pressed ctrl-c to kill the MySQL command and a new line was added to the .err file:

2017-08-23T19:39:59.126983Z 3 [Note] Aborted connection 3 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: 'lo calhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

Which I suppose seems normal - I just don't know what it was even trying to do that whole time :\

Thank you so much for reading <3<3

1 Answer 1


After a reboot and some more twiddling I decided to not use chocolatey to install, put rather the official installer from oracle. You need an oracle account, but it's free. And the installer lists and checks the requirements before installing - so that's nice.

If anyone else has any luck with chocolatey please post! I guess some requirements just weren't met...?

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