When using the virtual desktop feature of windows, I often find that I have one window open that I want to be an a single virtual desktop, and 4-5 windows open I want on all desktop (multiple monitors and what not mean I have a lot of windows open).

It's a major pain to select which windows I want on all desktops when in actuality I only want to change one window.

Is it possible to make it so that all windows are available on all desktops until I explicitly change it?

  • "It's a major pain to select which windows I want on all desktops when in actuality I only want to change one window." I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Can you say it in a different way? Commented Sep 13, 2023 at 20:50

2 Answers 2


Is it possible to make it so that all windows are available on all desktops until I explicitly change it?

Yes, but only if you want this to apply to all windows of that app.

  1. Have more than one virtual desktops and the [app you want to show on all desktops] displayed on the current one (Source)
  2. Enter Task View either by the taskbar icon enter image description here or the shortcut Win+Tab (Source)
  3. Right click on a window associated with the application you want to open on all desktops
  4. Select "Show windows from this app on all desktops": enter image description here

Now, when you restart the app, it'll automatically show on all virtual desktops. (I'm not sure why, but the option above it does not persist.)


Possible solution:

Start menu > Settings > System > Multitasking > Virtual Desktops

Play around with the settings and see what you prefer.

  • Technically, this doesn't answer the question, but it might be a plan B if nothing else works; this answer might be more suitable as a comment. There are only two dropdowns in those settings: "On the taskbar, show windows that are open on" and "Pressing Alt + Tab shows windows that are open on" They both share the same options: "All desktops" and "Only the desktop I'm using." Commented Sep 13, 2023 at 22:03

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