The behavior looks like this:

  1. when I search "baby" with my default search engine google.
  2. I can see browser address bar shows "https://www.google.com.hk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=JjV5WZ--N8TU8AfqgqII#q=baby"
  3. And then after 1 or 2 seconds, it redirects to "https://hk.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=blp&hsimp=yhs-default&type=hmp_060_695_0&p=baby&rnd=1196689346&param1=sid%3D695%3Aaid%3D060%3Aver%3D0%3Atm%3D-1%3Asrc%3Dhmp%3Alng%3Den%3Aitype%3De%3Auip%3D1997106063%3Aup%3DYmFieQ%253D%253D"

I have tried below methods, but none of them works

  • Reset default search engine to google
  • Delete all search engines and create a new one with google search (https://www.google.com/#q=%s)
  • Clean chrome extensions
  • Clear /Libiary/Internet Plugins
  • Reset Chrome
  • Reinstall Chrome

I also tried below methods, which could be one of the temp solutions:

  • Switch to Incognito window;
  • Logout from Chrome;

Any idea about this?

== After successfully clean the folder /Users/$USER/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Profile\ 1/Extensions/bfkmdpfljdpopbemfaelnflapafbflgn, it comes back again after two days.

So when I my chrome has the redirect issue, the folder contents looks like:

enter image description here

After I clean it, it looks like:

enter image description here

So I guess there must some virus either comes from my computer or from Chrome. After some check, I find a non-removable extension:

enter image description here

Hope this helps.

2 Answers 2


Try creating another user and see if it persists there.

What about Safari or Firefox? Whether they are infected or not, the answer narrows the problem.

Check your DNS; perhaps it was hijacked. is Google's Public DNS and will help if it's allowed in HK. For a friendly trustworthy network, just setting DHCP-based DNS will usually work.

See if https://www.malwarebytes.com/mac/ will kill it.

Try booting to a Linux LiveCD to see if it's environmental. (Probably not this, but it's worth a look if nothing else works.)

  • 1
    After scan computer with Malwarebytes: I found this one "2017-07-29 09:03:24 : Removing Extension Item: /Users/Joshua/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile 1/Extensions/bfkmdpfljdpopbemfaelnflapafbflgn". Now it works fine!!! It's a pity that I didn't take a look of file content before deleting it.
    – Joshua
    Commented Jul 29, 2017 at 1:06

I think I find the finally solution for this. There is a extension named "Plugins Button" installed in chrome with super permission that you can not remove it.

Step1: Quit Chrome;


$ rm -rf /Users/$NAME/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Profile $NUMBER/Extensions/bfkmdpfljdpopbemfaelnflapafbflgn/

$ rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Profile\ $NUMBER/Sync\ Extension\ Settings/bfkmdpfljdpopbemfaelnflapafbflgn/


Open "System Preferences" and click Profiles, you will find a weird profile named "your name". By taking a look at the detail, it contains the exact keyword "bfkmdpfljdpopbemfaelnflapafbflgn", delete the profile.

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