Recently, I've noticed some strange files showing up in my /home directory every time when I turn on/restart my computer.

They just appears and the names means nothing, I can delet them as normal files (no permissions issues), but in the next day, there they are. Below is a recent screenshot of these files.


As I said, the names doesn't follow any convention, the content is unreadable or just empty and the file size varies from 0 to 1 byte, so far as can check.

This is not affecting my use or daily experience, but is annoying. Anyone has a clue of what cause it?


After a lot of tests running programs and restarting the computer for each software I have installed, I'm almost sure that these files are related with my PHPStorm installation. Every time when I use it, I have the files when restart. Could it be related with Java? Updating tgas of question to reflect this new info.


  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • PHPStorm 2017.1
  • openjdk version "1.8.0_131"
  • What is the content of those files ? You could try inotify tools but since its at boot this might be difficult.
    – SvennD
    Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 14:54
  • Sometimes the files hasn't any content (0 byte), but sometimes the content is just a version of its title, so, not meaningful symbols.
    – James
    Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 16:41


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