Is there a way to lock the ordering of multiple windows even if one is focused?

I have six windows in which I only need to interact with the right edge and would like the layering to be preserved during interaction.

  • "interact with the right edge" what do you mean by interaction? With the keyboard or with the mouse?
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jun 24, 2017 at 20:41
  • @DavidPostill The elements I interact with are aligned to the right side of the window as such I don't need to view the entire window at once. Also interact with mouse and keyboard.
    – Funky
    Commented Jun 24, 2017 at 20:43
  • Ah. If it was just scrolling with the mouse I had an answer :(
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jun 24, 2017 at 20:45

3 Answers 3


I believe that what you ask is impossible without programming these windows to re-position themselves upon a change in the Z-order, or to create a watchdog program that does it for them.

Here are some tools that remember windows arrangement and could perhaps reset the Z-order of your windows if it changes (listed in no particular order):

Or you could role your own tool using a AutoHotkey script.
Here are some examples to get you started:


I would recommend WindowsLayoutSnapshot from the list harrymc has provided.

It's an open-source utility that allows you to save a snapshot of your window configurations that you can return to at a later date. You might be able to get further help recoding this application to fit your needs on StackOverflow or here on SuperUser.

Edit: because this is open source, you are able to edit it. It's unlicensed and available in the public domain. If you make a timer you can probably use this to do what you're wanting.


I am using DeskPins. It's just a "always in front" feature, but it works and is a really simple program.

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