I noted a strange behavior on my Firefox after the last update.

I was using the Firefox Dev Edition (I'm not sure about the version, but maybe it was 52), but after a simple update throug apt-get udpate && apt-get upgrade, it looks like a fresh installation of simple Firefox (not dev edition).

I lost the bookmarks, extensions, passwords and all the things and even the Firefox skin (and Unity Icon laucher) was restored to default instead the black theme of Dev Edition.

I don't know what happend, but I was using sync and now I'm afraid to do the login and lose my stuff in my other devices (Another Ubuntu and Android, FYI).

I not found the "Old Firefox Data" anywhere.

Anyone know what should I do? Should I try the sync login without risk of return all my devices to default?


  • Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit)
  • Mozilla Firefox 54 (after upgrade)

1 Answer 1


I'm not sure about the reason, but apparently, the update just created a new profile with the default options.

I did not need to do the login, I just selected my old profile.

Below is the task list for anyone with similar problem:

  • Open the terminal;
  • Close any running istance of firefox (killall -9 firefox if you had problems);
  • firefox -profilemanager will open a window with probably more then one profile. The select one was named "default" in my case;
  • Ensure the check in the box beside "Don't ask at startup."
  • Choose another profile ("dev-default" is the name of mine) and double-click it;
  • Done. i was signed up in sync with all my stuffs back. The only "problem" now is the icon in the unity laucher that is still the orange one, but its a minor issue that not affectcs my expericence for now.

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