I need to set static IP addresses on my virtual machines in VirtualBox. My host OS - Ubuntu, guest OS - CentOS 7. And the main condition - I have to ping my guest machines from a host (and they have to ping each other). As far as I understand, I need to use the bridged adapter. But how configure CentOS to has static IP address (for ping)?

1 Answer 1


If you can add virtual NIC to your Guest CentOS7. Next install NetworkManager-tui package via CentOS iso image. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Networking Guide helps you.


Here is another sample: https://lintut.com/how-to-setup-network-after-rhelcentos-7-minimal-installation/

  • If you can provide more details, the link with time might break or change
    – Sam
    Commented May 17, 2017 at 6:33

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