I used to be able to run rxvt.exe (not rxvt-unicode.exe) from cygwin on Windows and it would run without having cygwin's X running first. I tried calling it via cygwin's run.exe, but that didn't matter.

Now that doesn't work (for me) anymore -- you MUST have X running now, it seems. boo!

The error is:

C:\>c:\apps\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -e /bin/bash -l

rxvt: can't open display as no -display option given and DISPLAY not set

I am using the 32-bit version of Cygwin, not the 64-bit version. The setup.exe is version 2.877 (32 bit).

The version of rxvt that comes with Cygwin is v2.7.10 (rel 26 MARCH 2003).

I am on Windows 10 if that matters.

Anyone know if there is some configuration trick?

  • You can try set DISPLAY=0:0 but I can't promise that will work. FYI Use startx to start XWindows.
    – Chloe
    Commented Mar 25, 2017 at 21:33
  • @Chloe, should have mentioned - I tried that, to no avail. said "can't open display 0:0" or whatever. make sense as no X is running. I do not want the overhead of X running, anyway, I just want to run rxvt by itself, like I could do before.
    – atreyu
    Commented Mar 26, 2017 at 2:33

3 Answers 3


You can try to install an older version to get back to your desired behavior.

See this answer but ignore the parts about Postgres


  1. Install an old version if you have to. Someone maintains a historical archive of Cygwin versions.
    1. Browse the time stamp of the setup.ini file you need: ftp://www.fruitbat.org/pub/cygwin/circa/index.html
    2. Copy the FTP address of the folder (not index.html)
    3. Run /setup-x86.exe -X with the -X option to ignore setup signatures (they aren't archived).
    4. Paste the FTP address into the dialog to choose your download site. You will then see a snapshot of packages available during that time.

I use C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe and it works very well without X server.

  • thanks! I finally got around to trying your suggestion, and using an old fruitbat repo works. I am again running rxvt w/o X - hurrah! I know I'm running "old" code, but I am okay w/that.
    – atreyu
    Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 16:32

You can't.

The RXTV version without X was retired years ago as both rxvt itself and the library to convert X call to Win call were unmaintained by long time.

The suggested terminal is Mintty; it is the default used now by Cygwin when you need a good terminal without X Server.

Mintty works also with 64bit Cygwin, while RXVT-noX never worked there.

  • mintty is okay, I'm just a big fan of Rxvt. And I always used the 32bit Cygwin on 64bit windows anyway, as that's the only way I ever got Cygwin X working, in the rare case that I did want it. Thanks for your info, though.
    – atreyu
    Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 16:34

Try out the below command. Worked for me!

export DISPLAY=localhost:0

and to start rxvt:

rxvt -e /bin/bash &

  • exporting the DISPLAY is used when running an X server. I do not want the overhead of running an X server just to run rxvt. Thanks anyway, though.
    – atreyu
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 14:31

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